The American Bridge Association is incorporated as a non profit organization for social, educational and philanthropic purposes under the laws of the state of Indiana. Under the statutes of the Internal Revenue Service, it is designated as a 501(c)7 organization.
The Board of Directors is comprised of the National President, the National Vice President, the National Secretary, the National Treasurer, and the Vice-Presidents of each of the eight (8) Sections of the ABA. The government of the ABA shall be vested in the members at the Business Meeting(s) and in the President and the Board of Directors between National Tournaments.
The president of the ABA shall appoint all standing and Ad Hoc Committees' Chairpersons. The structures of each committee, with exception of the National Tournament Authority and Elections Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least one (1) representative (but not more than three (3) from each Section, but with only one (1) vote per Section. The representative(s) shall be selected by the Section Vice-President.
National Committees includes Standing and AD HOC Committees. The Standing Committees are: ABA/ACBL Liason Committee, Appeals & Ethics Committee, Bridge Education/Teacher Certification Committee, Merit Awards/Life Memberships Committee, Membership and Recruitment Committee, Staff Development and Certification Committee. ABA Programs include ABA Bulletin, ABA Website, Script Awards Programs.AD HOC Committees include:Bridge Connection, ABA Youth Program, Election Committee, Leadership ABA and Special Projects.
The National Secretary shall ensure that records are maintained for national events. And, record the minutes of all business meetings and shall within thirty (30) days of the close of each meeting transmit clear copies to all general officers and to the Editor of the BULLETIN. The National Secretary shall be responsible for keeping transcribing, condensing and distributing the Board minutes which shall include all action items, to all Board Members within twenty-four (24) hours after such meeting is held.
The ABA Handbook is an informational document to be used in conjunction with the Constitution and By-Laws of the organization, as well as with the regulaations, policies and procedures put forth by the ABA Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, members and other administrative bodies at the Section, Unit and Club/Independent Club level. The new, 2017 edition of The Official ABA Handbook is provided to the American Bridge Association community to provide pertinent information for maintaining a successful and thriving organization. This edition of the Handbook brings together the product of over 84 years of existence, and the changes in policies and procedures since our last handbook. It is to be used as a convenient reference and resource serving the needs, interests, and concerns of ABA members.
The Bylaws of the American Bridge Association, Inc. are the rules of the corporation, established by the Board of Directors during the process of starting the corporation. When the ABA was formed (a process called incorporation), one of the first tasks of the new corporation was to have corporate bylaws formed. A link to ABA Bylaws appears on this page.