ABA Membership Benefits


Membership in the ABA is obtained through Clubs.  Any individual desiring to affiliate may submit his/her membership through an ABA Club if (s)he resides in the area of its jurisdiction (a 35-mile radius). It is the Club's responsibility to inform individuals of dues obligations.  Payment to the Club for annual does should be made in full.

Membership IS A Bargain -

  • National Membership dues are $50 per year.
  • The membership year is January1st  through December 31st of the same year.  Membership rosters are sent to independent Club/Unit Secretaries in October. Dues should be collected and submitted to arrive in the National Office no later than December 31st.  Dues paid are not returnable or transferable.

  • Dues for new members, joining during the last quarter of the current year, will be applied to the following year.  

Special Membership

Members-at-Large - Persons living more than 35 miles from an ABA Club may join the Association as a "Member-at-Large"  These persons must pay National and Section dues.  National dues are paid directly to the National Office.  

  • The Free Membership Policy  is a "Two-for-one" membership (pay for the first year and get the second year free) to persons meeting the following eligibility requirements:  (1) complete a class of at least eight weeks in duration; (2) class must consist of at least four or more students; and (3) class must be instructed by a certified ABA teacher.  Upon completion of the class, the teacher will be responsible for submiting the roster of elibible recipients to the National Office.

  • LIFE Membership -  Four Life Memberships are awarded annually to 20+ year members who fulfill the criteria.  The ABA Merit/Life Membership Awards Program is designed to recognize individuals who have rendered long and faithful service to the Association, oft-times inconsiculously.  Four Life Memberships are awarded annually to 20+ year members who fulfill the criteria.


Individual Membership


The individual ABA member plays a key role in the Association.  The ABA structure is designed to provide effective management of the Organization, and to represent the needs of the Membership.  This is illustrated in the ByLaws of the Association.  The obligations of membership are found in the ABA Handbook.